Emigration from Nazi-Occupied Europe to British Territories Overseas after 1933

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Emigration from Nazi-Occupied Europe to British Territories Overseas after 1933

  • 13 Sep 2017 — 15 Sep 2017

Emigration from Nazi-Occupied Europe to British Territories Overseas after 1933

  • 13 Sep 2017 — 15 Sep 2017

This conference organised by the Research Centre for German & Austrian Exile Studies will focus on emigration from Nazi-occupied Europe to British territories overseas and is the first ever to cover the full range of its subject.

Its panel of 25 speakers from countries across the globe matches its coverage of emigration after 1933 to territories under British control, from the 'white dominions' to Kenya and Norther Rhodesia, from Palestine to Shanghai and from the Caribeean to Mauritius.

Venue: Room G22, Senate House, University of London

University of London

Senate House
Malet Street
London WC1E 7HU

