Modernist Rebels

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Modernist Rebels – London Festival of Architecture

  • Wed 14 Jun 2017
  • 7:00PM

This year the London Festival of Architecture coincides with Professor Liane Lefaivre’s (University of Applied Arts in Vienna), presentation of her recently published book Rebel Modernists, Viennese Architecture since Otto Wagner (Lund Humphries, Spring 2017). A lecture by Liane Lefaivre on the social housing tradition of Vienna will be followed by a round table discussion chaired by Professor Murray Fraser of the Bartlett School UCL, comparing the housing tradition in Vienna and London.

The panel will feature Lefaivre and Professsor Mark Swenarton of Liverpool University, a leading expert on Camden’s golden age of social housing, and Neave Brown, the architect of the much celebrated Alexandra Road development in North London.

'Rebel Modernists: Viennese Architecture since Otto Wagner' is available for purchase from the Lund Humphries website

Karl Marx Hof, Karl Ehn, photo by Amaty

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London SW7 1PQ


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