POSTPONED: Discussion: Gender, Stereotypes and Sporting Rules in Competitive Sports - Does Gender Matter?

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POSTPONED: Discussion: Gender, Stereotypes and Sporting Rules in Competitive Sports - Does Gender Matter?

  • Tue 9 Jul 2024
  • 7:00PM

Note: Due to unforseen circumstances, this event will be postponed to autumn. Stay tuned for more information.

Do you like the thrill of watching your favourite team or athlete win? Or do you know the adrenalin rush of competing in sporting events yourself? We definitely love it, too.

But have you ever thought about the role of gender differences in sports? Or how the rules and uniforms perpetuate gender stereotypes? Dr Lena Holzer will give us an overview on her research to answer these and other questions.

The 2024 Olympic Games provide a timely occasion to examine how gender continues to play a role in sports. The discussion, organised in cooperation with the Austrian Lawyers Network, will include recent events that have highlighted the prevalence of sexual harassment, a striking gender pay gap and widespread homophobia in many sporting circles.

Dr Lena Holzer (she/her) is an Assistant Professor in Gender, Race and Law at the University of Cambridge. She researches questions in the fields of international law, gender equality, sports law and discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity and sex characteristics. Besides her academic work, she has acted as consultant for several European human rights NGOs, such as ILGA-Europe, TGEU and IGLYO.

The Austrian Lawyers Network or "Juristennetzerk" is a network of approximately 90 lawyers with Austrian ties, including nationality, education, or professional experience. The Austrian Lawyers Network offers members a platform for connecting through various events, from panel discussions to social gatherings.


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